Fishy Cat
“Fishy Cat” is a delightful, aesthetically pleasing videogame that offers players a tranquil escape into the serene world of a fishing cat. Players play as a charming feline protagonist who spends their days fishing to earn coins, and meet new cat friends along the way.
- Art/Graphics: Ava So, Peyton Sarbadhikari, Rebecca Ji
- Programming: Jane Yao
- Audio: Neha Munje
Rules & Controls
Catching fish: WASD or Arrow keys.
Navigation: Navigate through the Home and Fishing scenes using the buttons located at the top of the screen.
Unlocking characters: As more and more coins are earned, the player unlocks new cat characters which are added to the home scene of the game. Players can then interact with them.
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Super cute :) I love the cat with the head phones and the cabbage!
is there any way to interact with characters
and what do i spend money on